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Combat Questions
Can I kill other players?
Uh, no! You are trying to escape the zombie horde, not trying to become a world class murderer.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
But I really want to, can't I please?
NO! Now knock that off!
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Can I use more than one weapon during combat?
No, you may only use one weapon. The only exception is the "Hey Look A Shotgun" can be used with other weapons.
Source: Kerry January 27, 2009
General Card Questions
When can cards be played?
Cards can be played ANYTIME, including in the middle of combat or movement. However, you can only play one card from the beginning of your turn to the beginning of your next turn.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Do you reshuffle the cards?
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
What cards can I play on myself?
You can't play any cards on yourself that target an "opponent."
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
When playing a card in front of you - as stated on the card - does this affect your hand limit?
No. The card is considered in play.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
When can the card that is played in front of you be discarded to be put into effect?
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Is discarding a card in play considered "playing a card" which would count as your one card per turn limit?
No as the card has already been "played" just not "activated."
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Which cards count as weapons?
All item cards are weapons, even the skateboard. It could give any zombie a good headache?
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
How many weapons can you have at once?
You can have as many as you want but only one of each kind. Example: You can't have two fire axes at one time.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
When someone dies and has to return to the town square, are they still allowed to play a card before their next go or do they have to wait until they have started the first go with replenished life and bullets?
You can still play cards normally when you die. Actually, the rest of your turn continues on as usual (zombie movement, discarding). It's just your movement that ends.
Source: Kerry February 25, 2006
General Questions
Can players/zombies move diagonally?
No. They can only move orthogonally (in the four basic directions).
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Can you move on the grass or parking lot squares?
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Can you occupy the same space as another player?
Yes, and you can taunt them all you want - just can't KILL them!
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
When (not if) you die in the game and move back to the Town Square, do you continue the rest of your turn?
You will still roll to move zombies and can discard a card, but that's it.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
If a player is moved to a different destination by a card effect and they still have movement remaining, can they finish their movement?
Yes they can.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
When exactly is it determined that someone has won the game?
When someone makes it to the middle square of the Helipad and kills the zombie on that square (unless "Alternate Food Source" is in play, then they just have to reach the square).
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
General Tile Questions
What happens if a tile is drawn that can't be played?
It is removed from play with the drawing player not placing a tile, and play continues as normal.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Do the lines in the streets mean anything?
No, not at all.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Specific Card Questions
When 'Alternate Food Source' is played, can I kill the zombies anyway?
Uh, no! You are trying to escape the zombie horde.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
If "Alternate Food Source" is in play, can I win the game if there is a zombie on the center square of the Helipad?
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Does "Alternate Food Source" stop all zombies from attacking or just the zombies attacking the player who played the card?
All zombies, everywhere, have found other yummy brains to eat and are not attacking the players.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
When "Alternate Food Source" is in effect, can I still kill zombies with the "Grenade?"
Yes. You interrupt their dinner.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
What's up with "I Don't Think They're Dead??"
It's confusing! Seriously, when played, your opponent must roll the die twice. If they are successful, nothing happens. But, if either of the rolls is a one, two or three, two zombies must be returned to the zombie pool. Of course, bullet and heart tokens may be used to raise the total or re-roll just as in normal combat.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
If I have only 1 zombie, can "I Don't Think They're Dead" be played against me?
Yes, and you would have to roll as you don't have two zombies to discard. So, you have to have two successful combat rolls but still may use bullets and life.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
When "Claustrophobia" is played, do I have to exit the building by shortest path?
Oh yeah, and you may continue your movement once you left the building, but you cannot re-enter the building until your next turn.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Can "Much Needed Rest" be played during "Fear" or "Hysterical Paralysis?"
Yes during "Fear" but no during "Hysterical Paralysis."
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
If someone plays "Hysterical Paralysis" on me, do I still fight a zombie already on my space?
Nope, you lose your turn. No turn, no fight.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
If I play "Fear" on a target opponent during the middle of his turn, does he lose the movement for the rest of that turn?
Nope, he will lose his movement on his next turn.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
What if someone plays "Bad Sense of Direction" on me during the middle of my movement?
Well, you may continue to use the rest of your movement after your piece has been returned to the Town Square.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
When "Where Did Everybody Go" is played, does that player have to fight the zombies they are moving through?
Yes. The only time you do not fight zombies that you encounter is when "Alternate Food Source" is in effect.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Can I drive into/through the zombies killing them when I've played "The Keys Are Still In It?"
You still have to fight the zombies as normal when on the same square as one.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Can "Your Shoe's Untied" be played to reduce movement for "The Keys Are Still In It?"
No as you are not making a movement roll.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Can you play "The Keys Are Still In It" on yourself when affected by "Fear?"
You could, but you still aren't going to move as it is still considered movement with "The Keys Are Still In It."
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Does the "Skateboard" add +2 when moving with "The Keys Are Still In it?"
No, a movement roll was not made.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Can you move a player who is affected by fear back to the "Town Square" by using "Bad Sense of Direction?"
Not during their turn but after their turn.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Is there a range to the "Grenade?"
It can only be thrown in a building you are in or on the space in front of the door. Same goes with "Molotov Cocktail."
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
How long does the "Molotov Cocktail" last?
It only lasts one turn, and you also have to be in the same building or on the space in front of the door.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
When "Butterfingers" is played, who decides what is discarded?"
The player who played the card.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
When "Butterfingers" is played, can I have that player discard a weapon card in their hand?
No, only the ones in play can be targeted.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
How is "Look...A Shotgun" played?
You place the card in front of you, and it is discarded after your next three combats, if you needed the extra bullets or not. We place three bullets on the card and discard one for each round of combat, discarding the card after the third bullet is used.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Does the "Fire Axe" still give a bonus when using "Hey Look... A Shotgun?"
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
If you double your movement with an "Adrenaline Rush," do you add the bonus of a "Skateboard" before or after double the total?
Before, since the "Adrenaline Rush" is a one time thing.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
When you play "Brain Cramp" on a player, can you decide that the targeted player doesn’t move at all?
Since you are taking their movement for them, yes you can.
Source: Kerry June 16, 2005
Can the "You lookin at me" be used against a card played by another player that does not orinigially specify use on a target player e.g. "Adjusting Nicely" card is played and does not say choose a target player. Could the "you lookin at me card" be used to stop the player using that card on themselves and would it just be discarded without efffect, or could it be used on another player, or could it not be usedagainst that particular card?
"You Lookin At Me" will cancel a card that cannot target another player, so it'll just cancel the "Adjusting Nicely" card.
Source: Kerry February 25, 2006
Can I play "Lots of Luck with That" when another player moves into my square?
No. Because the card specifies that your movement ends immediately, you must be moving to use it. You can play it during your turn or if someone else uses a card to move you.
Source: Kerry March 2, 2006